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The Foundation's Board of Directors and the National Advisory Council.


The foundation is governed by a Board of Directors. This group is comprised of members who represent diverse personal and professional backgrounds, and who have a deep commitment to investing in the development of leaders focused on the growth and development of leaders for the people in the communities they serve. They understand in their own lives that experience can be a great learning tool, but only when it is shared with others.


Our board is committed to developing the platforms so that these lessons of leadership and personal growth can be shared in academia, small and large organizations, a small working team, or in a family unit.


The objective is simple; help leaders today become better at their craft, enhance personal growth, and build a foundation for the next generation of leaders to lead with integrity, authenticity, and humility. The board is also the steward of the foundation, providing fiduciary and legal oversight to ensure that the foundation is led and managed in an appropriate manner.


The board has established a National Advisory Council which will consist of people committed to sharing experiences and lessons learned from their own journeys while supporting the development of leadership integrity for the next generations of leaders.


Members of the Advisory Council come from different professions and experiences and give advice on emerging trends in their respective professions that may impact society. The Advisory Council’s charge is to make recommendations on improvements to be made to the products and services the foundation produces.


In my 27 years as a Fire Chief, I have experienced many successes and faced significant adversity, each has brought with it a lesson on how to become a better person and a better leader. Sharing those experiences is the essence of my organization called The Leadership Crucible. I believe it important that we share those experiences with the next generations 
of leaders who will follow us. 


I have always believed that as leaders we must strive to leave it better than we found it, and to pay it forward to those who will lead in the future, and one to the best ways to do so, is by sharing of the adversities that we have faced and the lessons that we have learned that have forged who we have become as leaders and people today. Experience can be the best teacher, but only if it is passed on to others. 

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